Hariom Pipe Industries bags order under Mukhyamantri Saur Krushi Vahini Yojana 2.0

Hariom Pipe Industries has received a Letter of Award (LoA) from Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company for Solar Power Developer (SPD) for solar photovoltaic power generating stations of an aggregate capacity of 60 MW(AC) under ‘Mukhyamantri Saur Krushi Vahini Yojana 2.0 - a scheme launched for implementation of feeder level solarization under Component C of PM Kusum Scheme’. 

The fixed PPA tariff for the 60 MW (AC) Solar Power capacity is Rs. 2.96/kWh for a period of 25 years at a subsidy of Rs. 1.05 Cr/MW. There is an additional incentive of Rs. 0.25/kWh for the first three years, upon the timely commissioning of the project. The order is to be executed within 18 months.

Hariom Pipe Industries is an integrated manufacturer of Mild Steel (MS) Pipes, Scaffolding, HR Strips, MS Billets, and Sponge Iron.