Polylink Polymers (India) informs about notice of postal ballot
Polylink Polymers (India) has informed that pursuant to section 110 of the companies Act ,2013 (Act) and other applicable provisions of the Act read with the Companies (Management and Administration) Rule, 2014, the Postal Ballot Notice dated 03rd February, 2025 are being sent through electronic mode today to all the members whose names appear in the Registrar of Members/ list of Beneficial Owner as on Friday, 14 February 2025 ( cut-off date ), seeking their approval, for reappointment of Raviprakash Goyal (DIN: 00040570) as an Whole time Director of the Company for a period of three years effective 8th February 2025, by means of a special resolution. The Postal Ballot Notice has been uploaded on the website of the Company as per the following details: Postal Ballot Notice: https://www.polylinkpolymers.com/investor.html#Notice_of_AGM-EGM.

The above information is a part of company’s filings submitted to BSE.