GHV Infra Projects informs about disclosure
GHV Infra Projects has informed that with reference to Open Offer to acquire upto 40,82,000 Equity Shares of Rs 10 each at a price of Rs 30 per fully paid-up Equity Share of GHV Infra Projects (formerly known as Sindu Valley Technologies) (‘Target Company’) representing 28.32% of the Existing Equity and Voting Share Capital by Jahidmohmed H. Vijapura (Acquirer-1) and JHV Commercials LLP (Acquirer-2) (Acquirer-1 and Acqui hereinafter collectively referred to as the ‘Acquirers’) along with Husena A. Musamji (Person Acting in Concert / PAC) , the Pre Offer Advertisement in terms of Regulation 18 (7) of SEBI SAST (Regulations), 2011 hard and soft copy being issued by us on behalf of captioned Acquirers and PAC with regard to open offer for acquisition of Equity Shares of GHV Infra Projects Limited (Target Company) by Acquirers and PAC which was published on 17th February, 2025 in Financial Express - English Daily (all editions); Jansatta - Hindi Daily (all editions); Pratahkaal - Marathi Daily (Mumbai edition); Kolaravaani - Kannada Daily - (Bangalore Edition).

The above information is a part of company’s filings submitted to BSE.